Some things you should be aware of :-
What is NARPO? (Click to view video)
If you are a Hampshire Constabulary Pensioner your annual subscription will be taken from your Pension in one single payment.
You can join any Branch in the Country. You do not have to be a member of the Branch in which you reside.
- Collection of your subscription (if you are an Out of County Pensioner) is done through a separate process and not available through your Police Pension. Certain classes of membership are free.
- You will receive news by email and/or post, plus NarpoNews (our magazine posted quarterly) and New Horizons (our e magazine from HQ)
- The local branch emails are just that, not necessarily from your previous 'Pension' Force, and contain local and national matters.
- If you join one branch you may join another as an additional member. (see rules, National & Local)
- We are rank-less and equal. Branches are individual but all part of the National Organisation (Association) See the section on the Home page on NARPO structure.
- You just have to decide who is going to give you the best value for your subscription money.
- You will always have the opportunity to transfer branches, although this will take negotiation.
Please refer to "Branches" on the main site, for location choices and web page information.
or simply